:rocket: Techs
This project was developed using the following technologies:
:muscle: The project
The main idea is to democratize the food delivery service, connecting several restaurants, delivery people and customers without the need to charge fees.
💡 Main features
- Web version (For restaurants)
- Register user
- Register menu items
- Accept orders in real time
- Web version (For customers)
- See all restaurants and menu
- Make and pay for an order
- Monitor the order status (real time)
- Web version (For delivery workers)
- See the available orders for delivery
- Pick an order (real time)
🎯 Goals
The main goal of this project is connecting directly the actors giving them autonomy. Moreover, all process must be transparent but all sensitive data must not be exposed. No comission fees No sensitive data storage Every information can be tracked on blockchain network
🔥 How to run this project
To run API
You must create a postgres docker container or run the docker-compose in root folder. sh $ docker run --name packfood_db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -p 5432:5432 -d postgres OR sh $ docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up -d
Install the packages run migrations and start API
1$ yarn install
2$ yarn sequelize db:migrate
3$ yarn dev
Dont forgot to configure the .env environment you can found the example of the variables Here
To run Frontend sh $ yarn install $ yarn start
:memo: License
This project is unde MIT license. See the file LICENSE to more details.
Thanks to João vitor oliveira for template 👋